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What is Safer Gambling?
What is Safer Gambling?
Updated over 6 months ago

Safer Gambling at talkSPORT BET


talkSPORT BET would like you to enjoy your gambling experience. We recognise the need for a responsible attitude towards gambling and we have several measures in place to promote and ensure safer gambling.

We genuinely want you to have a great time, but not at the expense of other areas of your life, so if you ever feel your gambling is no longer enjoyable, please contact us via chat or email to discuss. Our team is available 24/7.

Preventing Underage Gambling

It is illegal for anybody under the age of 18 (19 if you are registered in Canada) to open an account or place a bet with talkSPORT BET. We take our responsibilities in this area very seriously and follow a few steps to verify our customers are over the minimum required age.

If we are unable to confirm your age, we will suspend all your accounts and request documentation to prove you are of legal age to gamble.

Anyone under the legal age found using this site will have winnings forfeited and the account will be closed with immediate effect.

We also advise that if your computer is used by children, you keep your account number/username confidential and you may wish to use parental control software such as "netnanny" (

Safer Gambling Checklist

If you think that you or someone else may be having difficulties with their gambling, then please take some time to consider the following questions:

  • Do you stay away from work or studying in order to gamble?

  • Do you gamble to escape from boredom or unhappiness?

  • When gambling and you run out of money, do you feel lost and in despair and need to gamble again as soon as possible?

  • Do you gamble until all your money is lost?

  • Have you ever lied to cover up the amount of money or time you have spent gambling?

  • Have you ever lied, borrowed or stolen to maintain betting habits?

  • Are you reluctant to spend gambling money on anything else?

  • Have you lost interest in your family, friends or hobbies?

  • After losing, do you feel you must try and win back your losses as soon as possible?

The more questions answered yes to, the more likely it is that gambling difficulties are being experienced.

If you are concerned and would like some help to manage your gambling, please see some of the tools and information that we offer below:

Keeping Track of Time

It’s important that you keep track of the amount of time you spend gambling. We recommend you take a note of the time you start gambling and keep an eye on the clock to make sure that you aren’t spending more time than you should be. We also strongly advise you to keep your device clock enabled whilst gambling so you can easily refer to it.

Reality Checks

As with Deposit Limits, Reality Checks provide the opportunity for you to manage your gambling and set time lapse reminders showing how long you have been playing Casino games. (Sportsbook, Virtual sports, and Peer to Peer games such as Poker are excluded from Reality Checks). Reality Check reminders will appear after a set amount of time chosen by you and will require positive action from you before the banner is removed. You will also have the opportunity to change your Reality Check settings, review your account transactions or exit the game.

A variety of time periods are available for you to choose from and can be set or changed in your account settings. If you decide to continue playing a game after Reality Check has been acknowledged, the next time the banner is displayed the accumulative amount of time played will be shown.

For example: 0h 30m reality check set. After the first check has been reached the following message will appear “You have been playing for 0h 30m”. If you choose to continue, the next time your 30mins is up the banner will say “You have been playing for 1h 0m” and so on.

Reality Checks are an additional feature to help You manage your account and, by using Reality Checks, You acknowledge that talkSPORT BET is not required to close or self–exclude your account or prevent use of our services at any time as a result of You enabling this feature.

talkSPORT BET is committed to safer gambling and ensuring that you have the tools to manage your account responsibly.

Deposit Limits

Deposit limits can help you manage your gambling, allowing you to set a limit on the amount you can deposit into your talkSPORT BET account over a specified time period.

The deposit limit facility allows you to set a limit either daily (00h to the subsequent 00h UK Time), weekly (Monday 00h to the subsequent Monday 00h UK Time) or monthly (1st of the month 00h to subsequent 1st of the following month 00h UK Time).

Limits may be reduced at any time and a reduction will be implemented immediately. Any increase in deposit limits will take 24 hours after the request is made and will require your confirmation before the increased limit is implemented.

Cancel Withdrawal

Customer’s resident in the United Kingdom are automatically restricted from cancelling their withdrawals.

For customers resident outside of the United Kingdom, we can remove your ability to cancel your withdrawals once you have requested them.

Please contact us via live chat or by email at [email protected] should you wish for this functionality to be removed.

Product Restriction

Should you find yourself spending more time or money than you would prefer on certain products, we can restrict your access to Casino or Sports.

If you are interested in restricting your access to specific products on our site, please contact us via chat or email [email protected]

Please note that this restriction is on a per account basis and all responsibility for the decision to deactivate sits with the customer submitting the request.

Time Out

You may feel in control but would like a break to consider your gambling, or maybe you are in the middle of a busy time and don’t want to spend time or energy on gambling. If this is the case a Time Out may help you.

A Time Out can be applied to your account from 24 hours up to a maximum of 6 weeks. During this period, you be restricted from accessing your talkSPORT BET account and we will stop any contact or marketing offers.

Upon completion of your Time Out, your account will be available for you to use, or you can choose to extend it.

Please note that a Time Out is irreversible and, once selected, it cannot be cancelled under any circumstance.


A self-exclusion can be applied for a period from 6 months to 5 years. During this time, all access to your talkSPORT BET account will restricted and all marketing contact will be prevented.

At the end of the exclusion period, and should you wish to reopen the account, telephone confirmation from you will be required. Upon this instruction we will leave at least 24 hours before opening to give you a chance to reconsider your decision. If during this 24-hour period you change your mind you can contact us to restart a Self-Exclusion.

We will take all reasonable steps to prevent a self-excluded customer from re-opening their account or opening new accounts and under no circumstances should attempts be made to do so.

Please note that a self-exclusion is irreversible and once selected it cannot be cancelled under any circumstance.

You can self-exclude using our Self-exclusion form.


If you are considering self-exclusion, you may also wish to register with GAMSTOP.

GAMSTOP is a free service that enables you to self-exclude from all online gambling companies licensed in Great Britain.

To find out more and to sign up with GAMSTOP please visit

Telephone: 0800 138 6518 (10 am to 8 pm, 7 days week ).

Gambling Prevention Software

Another way of taking some time away from online gambling is to put a “blocker” on your advice; well-known ones are Gamblock or Betblocker

Organisations That Can Help

If you have concerns about either your or somebody you know gambling levels, there are a number of organisations that may be able to assist:

  1. Gamcare: 0808 8020 133

  2. Gamblers Anonymous: 08700 50 88 80

  3. Gambling Therapy Apps: Android or iPhone

  4. Money Advice

  5. Take Time To Think:

Friends And Family

Sometimes gambling can have a negative impact on the family and friends of a problem gambler which may lead to need for support for those people close to the problem gambler.

If you are in this situation, you may also want help and advice, as well to try and be there to support your friend or family member. Gamcare can provide support in these circumstances and help you to cope with the difficulties you may encounter.

Please note that talkSPORT BET takes no responsibility for the performance or quality of the software suggested on this page that is not supplied by ourselves.

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